mercredi 19 juin 2013

CANADA IS DOOMED: Three Signs The Country Up North Is Screwed Beyond All Recognition

Quote <<  LOL...


Our government isn't printing money at a furious pace to float itself, our Fed bank isn't artificially floating the biggest stock market in the world, our country isn't trillions upon trillions of dollars in debt and our countries debt isn't owned by the Chinese, Our country isnt laying off government workers because they are basically bankrupt, Canada wasn't even responsible for starting this whole shit storm...The U.S and its corrupt companies that bought and sold Mortgage backed equities that collapsed and took the rest of the world with it...AND at least when someone buys a home in Canada they can afford the U.S you give out mortgages to any idiot with a heart beat and then wonder why half of them can't afford the mortgages and default 5 years later when their Interest only payments deals come up for renewal...I could go on for days..

P.S if you want to have a debate about Government corruption we can do that to...a few pissant mayors and some degenerate senators is small potatoes and basically a joke compared to the U.S governments corruption...>>

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