dimanche 30 juin 2013

The Zionist Attack on Western Civilization - Pages 1 - 33 (Part 1 of 4)

mercredi 19 juin 2013

CANADA IS DOOMED: Three Signs The Country Up North Is Screwed Beyond All Recognition


Quote <<  LOL...


Our government isn't printing money at a furious pace to float itself, our Fed bank isn't artificially floating the biggest stock market in the world, our country isn't trillions upon trillions of dollars in debt and our countries debt isn't owned by the Chinese, Our country isnt laying off government workers because they are basically bankrupt, Canada wasn't even responsible for starting this whole shit storm...The U.S and its corrupt companies that bought and sold Mortgage backed equities that collapsed and took the rest of the world with it...AND at least when someone buys a home in Canada they can afford it...in the U.S you give out mortgages to any idiot with a heart beat and then wonder why half of them can't afford the mortgages and default 5 years later when their Interest only payments deals come up for renewal...I could go on for days..

P.S if you want to have a debate about Government corruption we can do that to...a few pissant mayors and some degenerate senators is small potatoes and basically a joke compared to the U.S governments corruption...>>

Billion-Pixel View From Curiosity at Rocknest


Geert Wilders 09 June 2013

Mass Anti-Government Protests Swell In Brazil


vendredi 14 juin 2013

Free, Secure and Private Messaging With Anyone, Anywhere!


Can you Re-Grow Your Teeth? Oil Pulling Experiement - 1 Week Later

Edward Snowden...When Truth Becomes Treason

Singling out a billion Muslims

Snowden drops bombshell about China


WHO says MERS virus death toll hits 33 after 2 fatalities in Saudi


Assad plans to open ‘resistance’ front in Golan, says report


JAPAN – After 10 days of almost no activity, the volcano has woken up violently


samedi 1 juin 2013

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars (playlist)

Europe 2029: Civil War

Record unemployment, low inflation underline Europe's pain

Unemployment has reached a new high in the euro zone

Italy announces first case of SARS-like coronavirus


Mortality Rate From Coronavirus Jumps To 60 Percent, Four More Deaths Confirmed


Wake Up Call 2013: Obama DHS Prepares For Civil War (SHARE)

The Dissolution of the West - Paul Craig Roberts on GRTV

On Target Pressure Points: The Electronic Concentration Camp